Hello, I am Mirjam 👩‍💻

I am a highly motivated Software Engineer, leaning heavily on the Frontend side and in love with all-things JavaScript/TypeScript 💛 and testing!

Me, gesturing with my hands and speaking. You see a blurred window in the background. It is clear that this is a conference setting.

What I enjoy most in coding is delivering sustainability: Writing tests and seeing them pass; planning, organizing and improving the software architecture of my project; cleaning up, refactoring, testing and eventually deleting code.

I write reliable, maintainable, well-tested and readable code and semantic, accessible HTML.

I'm an international speaker and love speaking about what's important for me in software development - and yes, I've spoken a lot about testing.

You can see what is important to me here: Work with me

Some of my projects

In my free time I like to work on some side projects, often related to programming and the developer community in general. Here are a few of them:

  • 🐶   Conference Buddy
    Conference Buddy aims to make tech conferences accessible for people who want to attend, but who are not comfortable going alone.
  • 📻   Co-Host and guest at podcasts
    Co-host at expect-exceptionsViews on VueWorking DraftKein Problem, Kein ProduktProgrammier.bar
  • 🫶   (Co-) Organizing meetups
    Techettes Frankfurt • Vue.js Frankfurt • React.js Girls Frankfurt
  • 👯‍♂️  Programm commitee for conferences
    EnterJS 2021, 2022 • vuejs.de Conf
  • 👩‍🏫  Guest lectures at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt
    From 2018-2020 I gave guest lectures at the University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt on the Faculty of Media, teaching students about the basics of web development - HTML and CSS - and give an introduction to software testing.
  • 💻  Free webinar: Testing your Gatsby Serverless Functions with Queen Raae
    Free Webinar on how to get started TDDing your Gatsby Functions.
  • 📽  Video stream series with Queen Raae: Start Conference Buddy 2.0
    Benedicte invited me to her weekly streaming format "Unauthorized and rum-fueled treasure hunts in the sharky waters around the Gatsby islands" and helped me get Conference Buddy 2.0 off the ground 🎉

Conference speaking

I've given talks and keynotes on various conferences since 2018 and been invited to community eventes and meetups to speak. I'm open to speak at more events, so, feel free to contact me about that.

Me standing on a stage with a laptop a few feets from me. Gesturing with my hands, with really cute mint nailpolish. In the background you see a cut of projection of a slide, the words 'needs someoby' are readable.

My conference talks 

Slide: Treat yourself - a tale about dog training and test driven development
  • EnterJS, May 2024
  • MODXpo, Jul 2022
  • WeAreDevloper World Congress, Jun 2022
  • EnterJS 2020, Sep 2020
  • FemTech Conference, Jun 2020
  • STAREAST Virtual+ Testing Conference, May 2020
  • Keynote at European Testing Conference, Feb 2020
  • RuhrJS, Jul 2019
Slide: Everybody needs somebody
  • (long talk) NewCrafts, May 2023
  • (short talk) Webmontag Frankfurt, Feb 2019
  • (lightning talk) DACHfest in Munich, May 2018
Slide: Better late then never - how to retrofit a testsuite
  • ct webdev, Apr 2021
  • JS World Conference, Feb 2021
  • International JavaScript Conference Munich, Oct 2020
  • EnterJS 2019, Apr 2019
  • ITCS Darmstadt, Apr 2019
Slide: Organise your styles with component-based CSS approach
  • FrontConf Munich, Apr 2019
  • ct webdev in Cologne, Nov 2018
  • Developer Camp 2018 in Würzburg, Mar 2018
Slide: Full Skill Developer
  • Keynote at unkonf, Oct 5, 2019
Me sitting on a stage with the MC of the MODXpo conference in a pannel setting. Answering a question while, of course, gesturing with my hand a lot.
Shot from the back of a conference room. Over the heads of a lot of people you can see me on a stage, speaking. In the background there is a cut of projection of a slide, a picture of a cat getting some blush applied with a brush.
Me on a stage, a latop with a lot of stickers in front of me. In the background ou can see a projection of a slide with a big HI and an emoji of a womans face half behind her laptop.
Me standing on the stage of We Are Developers World Congress. In the background a big screen with a the talk title.

My Articles

👩‍💻 Mirjam Aulbach
👩‍💻 Mirjam Aulbach